Sugar, Stress, Environment, & Weight Initiative

SSEW is a University of California wide initiative that includes researchers, physicians, and policy makers across 9 campuses. See our interdisciplinary collaborators below. 

Clinical Science

Kerri Boutelle, phd | UCSD

causes, characterization, prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent obesity and eating disorders

Elissa Epel, phd | ucsf

psychological, social, and behavioral processes related to chronic psychological stress that accelerate biological aging, with a focus on the telomere/telomerase maintenance system; the interconnections between emotional processes, eating, and metabolism

Arpana Gupta, phd | ucla

influence of psychosocial factors on stress and pain-related health outcomes

fredeRick Hecht, md | ucsf

improve interventions for chronic health problems such as HIV, diabetes, obesity, and stress, by incorporating mindfulness and/or yoga-based components

Ronald Krauss, md | ucsf, uc berkeley

plasma lipoprotein metabolism and related traits that influence risk for coronary artery disease

Kevin Laugero, phd | uc davis

stress and nutrition interrelationships, physiological and metabolic underpinnings of inter-individual variability in stress responsiveness, and how this can be used to explain vulnerability or resilience to the negative mental and physical effects of chronic stress

Robert Lustig, md | ucsf

etiology, prevention, and treatment of the current obesity epidemic and the specific role of fructose as a specific mediator of both chronic disease, and continued caloric consumption 

Kristine Madsen, MD, Mph | uc berkeley

pediatric obesity, health disparities, policy approaches to reducing cardiovascular disease, physical activity, school health, community-based participatory research

Shira Maguen, phd | ucsf

PTSD, moral injury, women's health, gender differences, suicide, health services, veterans, integrated care, insomnia, disordered eating, obesity, evidence-Based PTSD treatment

Ashley Mason, phd | ucsf

food-craving experiences, reward-based eating, stress-induced eating, ketogenic diet, sleep problems, prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, endogenous opioidergic activity, opioidergic blockade

Emeran Mayer, MD, phd | ucla

brain body interactions, with a longstanding focus on brain gut interactions in health and disease

Dieter Meyerhoff, phd | ucsf

cognition, substance abuse, addiction, alcoholism, nicotine dependence, obesity, HIV/AIDS, PTSD, neurogenetics

Aric Prather, phd | ucsf

sleep medicine, psychoneuroimmunology, stress and coping, cell aging

Kimber Stanhope, ms, phd | uc davis

effects of diet on the development of metabolic disease, specifically, the effects of sugar consumption on body composition, lipid regulation and insulin sensitivity

June Tester, md, mph | ucsf

childhood obesity with a focus on the influence of children’s environments on their ability to be physically active and have a healthy diet

Janet Tomiyama, phd | ucla  

eating behavior, stress, obesity, dieting, comfort eating, weight stigma, health disparities, health behaviors

Pathik Wadhwa, md, phd | uci

fetal/developmental programming of health and disease risk, behavioral medicine, stress, pregnancy, fetal development, prematurity, neuroendocrine, immune, genetic, epigenetic, telomere biology, maternal-child health, reproductive epidemiology

Janet Wojcicki, phd, mph | ucsf

relationship between sociocultural background, behavioral practices and heath outcomes


Basic Science

Nicholas V. DiPatrizio, phd | uc riverside

neurobiology and physiology that controls food reward, sensory processing, and energy balance

Peter Havel, phd | uc davis

regulation of energy homeostasis and carbohydrate/lipid metabolism, and the involvement of endocrine systems in the pathophysiology of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease

Zachary Knight, phd | ucsf

neurobiology of homeostasis in the mouse, including especially the mechanisms that control hunger, thirst, and body temperature

Suneil Koliwad, md, phd | ucsf

how innate immune cell types in tissues and organs throughout the body sense nutrients, and how this sensory capacity impacts metabolic function under normal conditions and contributes to diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and fatty liver disease

Peter Turnbaugh, phd | ucsf

human gut microbiome, gnotobiotics, metagenomics, nutrition, pharmacology, pharmacogenetics, cancer


Health Policy

Nancy Adler, PhD | UCSF

implementation science, children/youth, socioeconomically marginalized groups, community-based organization, policy advocacy, health disparities, gender/women's health, reproductive health/unwanted pregnancy

Emilie Aguirre, jd | ucla

food health law, impacts of macro-level policies on food systems, diet, obesity, and health

Cheryl Anderson, phd, mph, ms | ucsd

nutrition and chronic disease prevention, cardiovascular epidemiology

Claire Brindis, Drph | ucsf

 adolescent and child health policy and women's health

Patricia Crawford, drph, rd | uc berkeley

nutrition policy, epidemiology of pediatric overweight with a focus on disparities, dietary determinants of overweight, community nutrition programs and policies, school nutrition interventions and policy, federal nutrition programs

David Faigman, ma, jd | uc hastings, ucsf

constitutional law, scientific methods for lawyers, science policy, scientific evidence, peer review, expert testimony

Cristin Kearns, dds, mba | ucsf

sugar politics, sugar consumption and its role in diabetes, obesity, and chronic disease

Janet King, phd | uc berkeley, uc davis

human nutrition research, application, and policy development

Barbara Laraia, phd, mph, rd | uc berkeley

household food insecurity, food and social environment, health disparities, perinatal epidemiology, obesity, diabetes, dietary assessment methods

Cindy Leung, scd, mph | ucsf

risk of obesity in food-insecure children, the hidden role of stress

Lorrene Ritchie, phd, rd | uc berkeley

healthy lifestyle, nutrition education and behavior, nutrition and hunger in the population, obesity prevention, healthy families and communities

Dean Schillinger, md | ucsf

healthcare for vulnerable populations with a focus on literacy, health communication, and chronic disease prevention and management

Laura Schmidt, phd | ucsf

the widening of health disparities and the societal of regulation risk factors in chronic disease with a focus on addiction, poverty, and obesity-related metabolic disease

Hilary Seligman, md | ucsf

food insecurity, hunger, health disparities, diabetes, obesity, nutrition, nutrition policy, public health

Michelle Simon, jd, mph | uc hastings

food and beverage law and policy, food politics, litigation, and a wide range of food and beverage advocacy efforts

Marilyn S. Townsend, phd, rd | uc davis

nutrition education with an emphasis on children and adolescents