
Hoda Soltani, MS | UC Davis

cognitive and psychosocial underpinnings of obesity, especially in youth

mentee of Dr. Kevin Laugero

Donovan argueta, BS | UC Riverside

interplay between diet induced obesity and the effect that it has on endocannabinoid signaling

mentee of Dr. Nicholas DiPatrizio

Candice Price, Phd | UC davis

interventions targeting obesity and metabolic disease prevention, primarily in minority populations

mentee of Drs. Peter Havel and Kimber Stanhope

Karen lindsay, phd | uci

Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) concept and its application to elucidating the early-life determinants of childhood obesity and metabolic disease risk through the lens of fetal programming

mentee of Dr. Pathik Wadhwa

Jerod Rasmussen, ms | uci

the application of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) physics to biomedical research questions

mentee of Dr. Pathik Wadhwa

zoe thompson, bs | uc riverside

neuroscience, exercise physiology

mentee of Dr. Theodore Garland Jr.

Desiree sigala, bs | uc davis

clinical nutrition, epidemics of metabolic disease, public health policy

mentee of Dr. Peter Havel

Jenna cummings, phd | ucla

the interaction between stress, social relationships, and reward-driven behavior

mentee of Dr. Janet Tomiyama


Savannah king, ba | ucsf

alison hartman, ba | ucsf

emily nauman

gemma dimatteo | uc berkeley

ryan natividad | uc riverside

carly randolph | uc berkeley